
Are We Safer Now Than We Were Pre-2020?

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2019, the medical landscape has changed. Not only directly in hospitals and surgeries, but also in terms of public understanding and perception. Once upon a time, there was only a vague acknowledgement of hygiene and its importance in the medical space; with the introduction of germ theory in the nineteenth century, things began to change, and an increasing number of lives were saved.

By the time Covid-19 made itself known, we were all already aware of the ways in which germs spread, and how hand-washing helped stave them off. Now, however, our hygienic practices have been amplified even further.  Hand sanitizer is freely available in hotels, places of work, attached to keyrings and sitting in glove boxes of cars.

The sphere of personal and medical hygiene has changed. So, are we any safer to infection and diseases, and what more is being done to protect us post pandemic?

The Health Benefits Will Be Felt, Even Beyond Infection And Disease

It is true to say that with more public awareness, sanitization is keeping us safe in ways we might not even realize. Although many are attempting to shield from COVID-19, with a stronger emphasis on handwashing and sanitizing, they are in fact protecting themselves from countless other afflictions. Last year, scientists conducted research into its benefits of handwashing for Bangladeshi children suffering from diarrhea. The study was focused on food preparation without sanitizing, and through the use of just water on both hands, the rate of diarrhea was cut down by nearly half.

This shows how integral simply washing hands can be to cure and prevent afflictions in yourself and those around you. With a stronger emphasis on sanitizing, we are all minimizing the risk of both basic and more serious health afflictions.

A Lot Has Changed For Surgeries Too

It goes without saying that hospitals were already on top of hygiene before the outbreak of COVID-19, but since 2020 there have been even more steps to keep doctors and patients safe. Part of this comes with the introduction of new technology and equipment used for treatment. Just recently, for instance, there has been a launch of an award-winning surgical retractor by June Medical. This allows hands free operation, meaning fewer people in the operation room and consequentially less risk for infection, both for the patients and the doctors themselves.

New innovations like this are going to be highly sought after, not just because of the obvious COVID-19 benefits, but the benefits of ease and efficiency for doctors. In short, the new world we have found ourselves in has spurred necessary creations for hygiene that are also a vast improvement for successful surgery in and of itself.

From The Ashes Of Covid-19, There Is A Bright Future

The COVID-19 pandemic brought crisis and tragedy the world over, but there is at least some solace that medical improvements and awareness can rise from the ashes. There is now a new understanding of hygiene importance, and coupled with investment in new surgical technology, our safety and health has never been more prioritized. Of course, there is more to be done and more that will be done, but for now there should be some comfort in knowing that we are living in a world far more prepared and proactive in its fight against ill-health.

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